Busselton - Albany

We set off from Busselton on Saturday 7th November and left the site at half past ten (not too late eh?).

We had a great time during our 3 weeks in Albany. Hayley picked up 2 weeks of work in a residential home and I was teaching on and off (more off than on) in some schools.

On a Sunday we visited Ellen Cove, had a walk on the prom-prom-prom and on a winding footpath which had terrific views of the blue sea.

Grandma appeared to have shrunk but after a cuppa from my magical flask, she returned to normal size. Or were those fingers (Joseph's) enoromous?


Later on we drove a short distance to the dog friendly Ledge Beach where we had a swim, a climb on some rocks, a walk and SANDwiches. It was amazing, for most of the 3 hours we spent there, we had the beach to ourselves, it was deserted.


To round off the day, we went up to a viewpoint, terrific all round views though it was rather windy. Albany on one side and the sea and rolling hills on the other side. And because of those high winds it was nearly the rolling deans on the top to bottom side...

Albany is a nice town, but around here there's a lot of wheat and grain production. So on the front, right where the town meets the sea, there is a massive silo and handling facility.

It was still a shame to be leaving. Hayley enjoyed working at the residential home, they'd enjoyed her being there and tried to pursuade her to stay longer and I'd taught at some good schools. But we had to keep moving on...onwards and upwards. So on the Saturday morning we all got packed up. "C'mon Alexander, you can do it!"


What's a dog exerscise area? It was Kaya who spotted the spelling mistake.

So the plan was to leave early Saturday morning, drive 400km to Esperance, stay there overnight and then head over to Kalgoorlie late Sunday, stopping at a rest area. This would leave most of Sunday free to look around the picturesque town of Esperance. I had 4 days of teaching at Kalgoorlie Boulder Community High school, starting Tuesday 1st December...

I did my time, Kalgoorlie was a nice town, interesting, better than we expected, being a mining town. And then we headed across the 1500km stretch of bushland and scrub and the odd smattering of road houses and we are now in Alelaide!

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