Kununurra - Broome

Well it was a lonnnggg 1044km journey to Broome, where we saw a lot of

 and .

There was a welcome stop at the rest area. Some of these roadside rest areas are as busy as caravan parks. We've pulled into them at 1pm for

lunch only to find that the Grey Nomads have not only beaten us, but they've set up shop, awning, chairs and tables out and that's where they'll

be for the night. Whereas our aim is to be there before it gets dark!

We were nearly the last to leave...

...or maybe those are grey nomads who've come to set up EXTRA early!

Boab trees were dotted around the landscape, each one seemed to be more unusual than the last. But that could have also been something to do

with me not taking my medication...



Termite Mounds came and went...


Another day ended 100km from Broome at the Nillibubbica rest area.

Now, these places are very basic stopping places with few, if any, facilities. But I gotta tell you that these toilets were sooooo filthy...


...that it killed cockroaches outright...

...and Kaya turned away in disgust!

So the following day we left our plush surroundings and arrived a very popular tourist spot called Broome.


It is famous for it's amazing sunsets - here's one with Alexander and Joseph looking out to sea on a rock.

Broome is also famous because it is one place where you can have a camel ride on the beach. Here's Rosie and Hayley having a laugh doing just

that on their camel called "Ned". Behind them is Alexander and Joseph on theirs called "Old Tom". Old Tom insisted on wiping it's wet and sloberry

nose all over Hayley! Out of the whole platoon of camels on the beach, only 3 had been in the film Australia - and coincidentally. 2 of those were

Ned and Old Tom. Hey! They've been sitting on movie stars!


They make the most peculiar noises. Something like a mixture of hoarse cow and baying donkey. Then after the ride you could pat your hoarse cow

or tell it off for making your arm a horrible sticky mess.


The info board as you walk on the the beach says it all:


            the 9th May. (Just to be on the safe side though, make sure there are plenty of other folk around to get stung instead)


Alexander and Joseph are doing a recycling module as part of their Distance Education & their most recent project was to make something from

recycled materials. So we decided to visit the Broome tip (I bet there's not many visitors to Broome who've been there!) and hunt around for some

bits and pieces.


We left with various bits and pieces, length of cable, screws, wood and some containers and then first thing they made was some stilts, which we

have trouble standing on, let alone walking on the darn things. One part of Rosie's work was to make some invisible ink. After the secret message

has been written, one has to heat it and then...the message mysteriously appears. Here she is with the  message. Shhhhh....

On Thursday 20th August, the tide was low enough at Gantheaume Point to be able to see the dinosaur footprint, which is 120 million


years old. They weren't signposted, you just had to wander around looking at the rocks, hoping that you could find some before the tide crept back

in again. 120 million years old? Crikey! That's nearly as old as me! Later there was a terrific sunset as the sun disappeared behind a band of


On Saturday 22nd August, we left our site in Broome (there's our caravan at the back, tucked into a gap in the trees). The site was actually the

Broome Pistol club - an overflow from one of the main ones in town which were full. It was run by a mad Yorkshireman who usually tried to stir me

up by taking the mickey out of Leeds where I was born. He was from the Deep South - Sheffield. About 40 miles from Leeds. Bah, the Southern


We headed off on another leg of our trip towards Port Hedland.

Cairns in December Back to home