Etty Bay and Babinda Boulders

Is where I visited with my year 10's from Gordonvale State High School on their end of year excursion. So we thought it would be a great idea for us to come back here....

though Alexander wasn't so sure when reading the "Marine Stingers" sign...not to mention the crocs !


There was a stinger net, so we swam in there for a while. And then went exploring over to the next cove.


where there were some strange fruits that we'd not seen before. Pickled brain on the right?


Answers on a postcard please to....and the winner will receive a Blue Peter Pen  !!

From Etty Bay, we travelled the 30 km to the Boulders near Babinda. There is a fantastic swimming hole where the water is crystal clear (and cold!) but the scenery is wonderful.


But a short distance downstream is the Devil's Pool where 16 lives have been lost since 1959. Some say that this is because an Aboriginal woman put a curse on the waterhole.


So we all kept well back behind the railings !

We only had a couple of hours here at the Babinda Boulders, so we said that we would have to revisit some day....

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