
Before arriving at Exmouth, we stopped at the peculiar Pebble Beach


The reason why most people go to Exmouth is to see the amazing Ningaloo Reef. It's like the Great Barrier, but better! To visit the Great Barrier

reef means a 2 hour boat ride and shelling out for 2 adults and 3 children. It aint cheap. But the Ningaloo Reef is a fringing reef, which means that

it hugs the coast and in many places you can swim out from the beach to see it. All you need is goggles, a snorkle and (if it's cold) a thick skin!

We were staying in a caravan park in Exmouth (see map below) and from there we'd travel to one of the beaches and snorkel. Turquiose Bay and

Lakeside are terrific places.


Sunset at the Vlaming Head lighthouse.



In a shop in Exmouth...



Here are 3 happy snorkellers coming out of the sea at Oyster Stacks beach, where the water is amazingly clear. That's the clusters of coral behind them.



The fruit and veg capital of Western Australia! Right at the back of our caravan park there were 2 lanes where every house was a farm with a shop outside which sold their produce. Just look at the price of these zuchinis - 30c each or 2 for 50c! Bananas were $2 per kg and the farm folk were so friendly "here kids, have a couple of bananas each to have whilst you're in the car". Great value and a great taste too.



In the week we went to the jetty, a laid back place - gold coin donation to look around a museum, a couple of dollars to walk down the jetty, for a couple of dollars more you could catch the steam train down the jetty, there was a lookout where you could...lookout and various other bits and pieces.


Below is the OTC Satellite Dish - massive! Look at it compared to the size of (left to right) Kaya, Rosie, Joseph and Alexander. It was used in the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. What better to follow a healthy walk with...than an unhealthy tea!


We were in Carnarvon for 2 weeks, which meant that we could spend the weekend doing something different than travelling.

We spent a few hours on the Saturday giving the caravan a darn good clean...


Then we went to the blowholes on the Sunday. Amaaaazzzing !! They are at their best when it's windy, which it was. And about halfway between low tide and high tide. It was really spectacular.



Update time...

After 2 weeks here, we spent

1 week in Geraldton.

and have spent 1 week in Perth.

Cairns in December Back to home