Joseph the hidden mask under the hair



Guess who it is again??? It's Joseph! I've finally got the time to come on here! So I've got highlight's in my hair. Do you like it? Picture above taken at Mattaranka termite mound.


Mum said it was a 'talking' termite mound (see that button, that makes it talk)

Well going back to Cairns. Grandma came over to visit. It was really fun! Here's one of us all at Herberton outside the IGA having an ice-cream.


From left Mum,Me,Grandma,Alexander and Rosie.

I have been climbing tree's and jumping off them- this one is 10M drop (42ft)


me up at the top in black and blue. The person in red is one of Phil's (a teacher who works with dad) daughters


One of me at Rosse and Locke where there is now an estuarine croc-

Alexander likes to watch me jump off from the 5metre drop whilst Rosie and him has a swim with the tubes

We had to go to Cairns Central alot (booooooooooooooooooooooring) Here's a picture of mum looking very happy that we're shopping in MYERS and she has her gloria jeans coffee-


Ok skip all Cairns to


Northern Territory

If you want to look up more about our travels look at my dad's one I'm just gonna skip to Katherine.

Post in another entry later Bye

Hi it's me again so where was  I again, oh yes Katherine.

Today I spotted another crocodile! Lying on the sand bank. I'll put the picture on when I've uploaded them from my camera. Here's some crocs. From a week ago.



This one is only a freshwater (Johnstone River) but we have seen  a estuarine croc which we saw at Eubenangee Swamp which is located in Cairns. Here's a picture of it-

In Katherine there is a thermal pool, there was also one in Mattaranka. It was really warm (34 degrees C). Here's a picture of the one in Mattaranka-

  It was all natural so it was like an underground city with coral!


 There was also another one which wasn't as good it had croc's in there (freshwater). But on our journey it's just been outback and road trains here's an example-

Post in another one later because my Sister is nagging me to get off so she can go on her Sims 3 interactive Preview CD

Also before I go my dad didn't show you him going to school to Gordonvale as a devil for halloween last year.

    My Background is a dreamtime fire (see those circles)                                                                                               My dad's a devil how devilish