
Well we are in sunny tropical Cairns for a few weeks. Although I say Cairns, the caravan site is actually in a place called Edmonton which is about 20km south of Cairns.

I'm doing a contract at Gordonvale State High school for a few weeks, covering for an absent maths and science teacher. Hayley is working part time at Gordonvale Hospital. Gordonvale is less than 10km from Edmonton.

And for the first time during the trip, we have enrolled the children in a school. It's called Hambledon State school (was recommended from a fellow teacher) and is fortunately only just over a kilometer from the caravan site.

Here are the children on their way to their first day at school taken just by our caravan.

first day at school

They were really excited to be going. And by the end of the first day they were looking forward to second day too. Fantastic !

On the drive from the caravan site to our work at Gordonvale we have "Walshs Pyramid" facing us. Hmmmm, now which mountain in the photo below would that be??

Walshs Pyramid

It's over 3000 feet and I/we would/some would not like to climb it some day. We'd have to do it soon though. And early in the morning. That's because the temperature and humidity are quite stifling. Even just wandering around on playground duty.

A Typical Weekday:

Some mornings are quite mad here. Hayley is usually up and off first - she drives to work, then a woman from "pupstars" comes to collect Kaya the dawg (timed with someone being out of the shower and able to take Kaya to the site reception), Kaya leaps into the trailer madly looking forward to a day of fun and frolics (she gets a bath AND muffins!), we continue butty making, showering, breakfast munching and school dressing and packing. All squashed into a caravan can be a bit frantic. Especially when someone puts on some music "NO DAD! Not Janis Joplin!"..."Let's have some Queen"..."where's my 'So Fresh' CD??" Then I get a lift to work/drive and the children head off 20 minutes later on their journey to school.

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