
Mapleton is a small village in the centre of the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

When we arrived in Mapleton, Hayley was about to start a few night shifts, so we drove over to have a skeg at the place. Whilst Hayley looked, we went and took a running jump at the nearest beach. Literally....

...just look at those floating children....


With Hayley working a few night shifts, we cleared outa the caravan for most of the day and left her to have a snoooooze. We were at a lovely caravan site, which backed onto a public park which was ideal for school work.

After an hour or so, I would do some marking

and they would go and whizz around having fun in the park.

In all the parks we've played in, we'd never seen a piece of equipment like the one above.

The photo above doesn't show it any clearer either! It's looks like a see saw, but has a bike at each end which you pedal to spin it round and round up and down and round.......and round...... Heaps of fun.

Then they would do some more school work.

We were back at the park in the evening for a BBQ. Yummmm. Don't forget the red sauce!!