Geraldton to Perth

We arrived in Perth on Saturday 26th September after a loonnng day travelling 400+km from Geraldton.

And here's one of the first things that we spotted....

well blow me down. If it aint that Moscow Circus again! All the way from Darwin in the Northern Territory we've been following them or them us. We're here for a few weeks so hopefully that'll give 'em a chance to escape to South Australia before us.

From now on a for another 10 weeks or so, we have an additional traveller - Grandma Dean! She's flown over from the UK after hearing how good this travelling malarky is and just wanted to be part of the fun. If we all get on well together, she's with us until Adelaide. Let's see how it goes...



Above left was taken in Perth with the very wide Swan River in the background. The one on the right was taken in Fremantle, which is half hour on the train from Perth, where Rosie was having a natter to an old schoolfriend. "I know it's c-c-c-cold, but you look frozen stiff".

As we shivered around Fremantle, we came across this FREE museum about steam engines, lots of info, working models, handles to turn, levers to was terrific. Well, some of us thought so anyway. Some others of us would rather have been in a nice warm shopping centre.


Fremantle is also famous for being the place where Bon Scott lived most of his early life. Bon Scott was the front man, lead singer of the world famous Aussie rock band AC/DC until his death in 1980, in London. Aswell as a Bon Scott tour in Fremantle, there's also a statue of him which some young hooligans decided they'd climb onto.


Fremantle markets had a great atmosphere. Live music played from the bar in the corner echoed all around, exotic smells and some real bargains there too.

By half past five, on a Saturday, the streets of Fremantle were quite deserted.


More photos on Perth to follow...

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