Perth in October

Monday 28th of September was a Bank Holiday and even the Tourist Information place was we went some place that we knew - Kings Park, which has great views of Perth. It took ages to get parked up though cos there was a whole load of events on. A band with a really tall dude dressed in red (below right).

We packed up the flask and butties and went to go and look at the views of Perth.



There are some terrific ways to get around in Perth. By car isn't one of them. The parking costs a minimum of $3 per hour and is generally quite difficult to find. But they also have trams which run on tracks in the centre of the highways (below). And once you arrive in the city there are several free buses to take you around the city centre.

Some views around Perth. A busy Monday afternoon down a mall...certainly not my idea of heaven! Lots of shops, too many shops. Note the "NO standing in this area" sign on the bus. Just where Alexander and Joseph are standing, tut tut. (I blame the parents.)


There's a huge big wheel right on the Riverside in Perth - it always seemed empty except for the odd seat, taken by a tourist who was probably still struggling with the conversion rates and thinking that they had a good deal.

Yanchep National Park

We had a terrific day out at Yanchep National Park which was about 50km further North than our caravan park in Madeley, where there are koalas, roos and some good walking trails.


Koala's aren't native to Western Australia, because of the lack of gum trees whose leaves they munch for a few hours a day - then spend 20 hours a day sleeping it off. But there are roos wherever we go - but wait ! Look at these here. Many of them have a joey in their pouch. Here's the children looking at one of the mums having a feed - and when they do, the joey has a feed too.


Kalamundi Museum

Where there's an olde fashioned classroom with some rather unruly pupils - but who wouldn't be with a teacher like that! And a propa Aussie dunny too.



A few days later we packed up the caravan and headed out of Perth and on to Busselton...

Cairns in December Back to home